In All Good Newsagents…
Today sees the return of the much-missed Sunday Sport…following a deal with its founder David Sullivan. According to Popbitch, it’s going to be a classic:
The Sunday Sport is back this weekend. They say you can expect to see “a topless 51-stone woman who yearns to be 60-stone, a Royal porn scandal and a Premier League footballer who paid a hooker £5,000 to poo on his chest”.
It won’t be on the shelves here in Gibraltar though…informed and erudite literary reviews welcome here, please!
If I chance to visit another town today I might sneek into a newsagent to buy one.
Just for research, natch.
Of course! Naturally! Never thought anything else for a second.
But keep any details of the 51 stone woman to yourself please 🙂
It’s bad enough that I’ve had to admit to buying the Daily Star, I’m not sure if I can risk further adverse comments!
I don’t think Joe’s (Sainsbury’s) stock it, but I might wander down the road in a little while – purely for “exercise” purposes, you understand…
Any luck microdave? A small army of overseas ‘researchers’ are waiting impatiently for your update 🙂
Bollocks….I GOT sidetracked and forgot about it. I think the local garage used to stock it, I’ll pop over and fill mothers car up after the evening meal…
Stomach & car filled up, and a copy of the Sport obtained. Just had a quick glance and it’s hillarious.
The front page announces “World Exclusive” – “Photos the White House banned”, followed by the claim that Osama was sitting on the loo when he was cornered! Alongside is a soap star wearing St Trinians style uniform – with the storyline “Corrie Rosie’s shock nip slip”.
I will have to investigate further….
You see, folks, this is why microdave is brilliant as a roving reporter and unstoppable-seeker-after-truth.
Over the web you only get a Sunday Sport holding page but this man is prepared to go the extra mile for you.