Just because there hasn’t been any “global warming” since the 1990s is no reason not to carry fish by llama into the mountains where they’ll be safe from it.
Thousands of rare fish have been given a lift up a mountain on the back of llamas in an extraordinary move, led by the Environment Agency, to help the species survive climate change.
The endangered vendace, that has been in Britain since the Ice Age, is in danger of dying out as lakes and rivers warm up because of man made global warming.
To ensure the species survival, the UK’s environmental watchdog took eggs from Derwentwater in Cumbria, thought to be the only remaining site where the fish are found in England and Wales. …
Lord Chris Smith, Chairman of the Environment Agency, said British species have to be protected from climate change.
“In addition to the anticipated warming of lakes and rivers, we may also see an increase in the occurrence of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and heatwaves.”
“Anticipated warming” means the warming hasn’t happened – but given that climate always fluctuates, it will at some point.
Andy Gowans, fisheries technical specialist for the Environment Agency, said the fish are now safe from global warming.
At least we’ll now be able to sleep at night.
Apologies for missing this story; it’s a few days old.