Anjem Choudary

February 4, 2011 at 12:00 pm

On Fox News last night, Sean Hannity debated our very own British born and London-resident Islamist nutter Anjem Choudary.

This is something you’ll never see on the BBC and great value for money.

“Now here’s the point I’m trying to make to you and I will finish my thought. You believe every woman should wear a burqa. You’re a fascist.

You want to ram that down people’s thoats. You want to cut off people’s hands that steal. You want to stone people that commit adultery. You want to rob Israel’s land. And, I believe, but you don’t have the courage to admit it because you are a coward, that you believe that people who killed 3,000 Americans are going to heaven and are going to get 72 virgins. So can you not step back from your sick twisted bizarre ideology here to see that those 3,000 people were innocent victims, sir….

….You’re one sick miserable evil S.O.B but thank you for coming on anyway.“