Canada Bans Dire Straits Song
News from Canada, where to the horror of 80’s music fans the Dire Straits massive hit “Money for Nothing” has just been permanently banned from the airwaves for thought crimes.
The song, from the Brothers In Arms album, contains the word “faggot”, and of course that part of the victimocracy is protected. It’s taken them 25 years to notice that it was there, but after that action was swift.
The ruling is here. So, for our occasional and welcome Canuck readers and also for everyone else – here it is uncensored (for now).
Knopfler will be tickled pink that he’s finally in an intellectual category which includes Lenny Bruce.
“It’s taken them 25 years to notice that it was there … “
Say what you like .. those Canadians are as sharp as Boxing gloves .. not much gets past them .. 😉
At least Lenny Bruce got a posthumous pardon, even if it took 37 years and a governor after some cheap publicity. Knopfler may not be so fortunate.
They’ll notice that the French have landed next. Or the American revolution south of the border. But what can you expect from a country with a leaf on it’s flag…