EyeTube v2

December 30, 2010 at 10:08 pm

Back in September after much talk of censorship on YouTube and GrumpyOldTwat losing some of the videos that he had uploaded, TheEye and an intrepid band of testers launched EyeTube.

EyeTube is a video sharing site designed as a safe haven for more controversial stuff than YouTube are happy to host. Originally a free-speech resource for political videos, it is now also used to host a variety of music, comedy and other genres.

So why this post now? Well, shortly into the New Year EyeTube will be undergoing a massive rewrite and upgrade. The new code is already in the final testing phase. Many of the readers of this blog are users of the current system, so we don’t want a sudden surprise when the change happens. This post is a marker for that day.

Also in preparation for the new version, EyeTube has opened up channels on Twitter and Facebook. Please subscribe for all of the latest site postings, news of uploaded videos, and most importantly in the next week or two for news of the upcoming changes.

EyeTube remains a great resource for people wanting free zero-censorship video hosting, so please feel encouraged to spread the word. Carrying the logo as a link in your sidebar would be fantastic, and if you can then here is the widget code:


Please support the site, and if you’ve got any questions then leave them in the Comments here, on Twitter or Facebook, or by email to Eyetube.