Brown: I Am Not A Finance Expert…
“I am neither a finance expert nor a trained economist but fear of making technical mistakes (of which, I am sure, this book is full) should not silence us altogether when the task before us is so urgent.”
Hang on. Isn’t this the chap who ran the UK economy for a decade? Who treated the Treasury’s expert officials with open contempt and relied instead on a handful of cronies? Who proclaimed the end of boom and bust, before presiding over the biggest bust since the 1930s? And all the while he was an amateur. I’ll be jiggered. It’s rather nice to have this admission of his fallibility – it would have been even nicer to have had it before the roof fell in on the British economy.
David Hughes in the Telegraph
Such is the excitement today on the publication day of Beyond the Crash it is currently 727nd on the Amazon bestsellers list – struggling just ahead of (for example) Vintage Handbags by Marnie Fogg and Behavior of Pipe Piles in Sand: Plugging & Pore-Water Pressure Generation During Installation and Loading by Magued Iskander.
By contrast Tony Blair’s A Journey, published on September 1, this morning is a mere 694 places ahead of him at No 33.
Brown failed on every level .. from PM to Chancellor to Human being ..
Put quite simply, he’s a walking, talking sack of shit .. the best part of which was thrown away by the midwife ..
I hope the bastard develops some dreadful disease & dies in utter agony ..
Even sacks of shit are more useful than that cunt, CH, and now we are told that “the best Chancellor” we’ve ever had”, (from the gospel according to B.Liar), was, in fact, a fucking rank amateur…… grrrr! >:o
Mind you, I think we’d all worked that out a long time ago! 😉
Gosh, I had forgotten what fun this all is. I’ve been on The Archers website recently (favourite moments) and now I’m here again. Can there be a connection? Anyway, you are all very unfair on poor Mr Brown (and he doesn’t look like getting any richer as a result of the book). Hindsight is wonderful and I wish my forsesight was as good. He did his very best and from May 1997 until about mid-2005 we all (well, me anyway) thought the sun shone from where it didn’t ought to. Now we have the wonderful Mr Osborne – sadly I didn’t order my wallpaper before he got into government. I wish i had the foresight ….
Off the subject entirely, what about this ‘russian spy’ in the Commons? The idea that any useful info might be got out of working in the Commons (especially, forgive me O Lord, for a Lib Dem MP) is ludicrous. If that is all we have to fear from the Russian spy machine then we can all sleep safely.
I’m amazed that Brown’s book even rated that highly ..
I would consider it to be lingering somewhere further down the list than Shit-house paper ..
He’s only an amateur economist? Who knew?
Now I know where HIGNFY get their “Featured Publication” from….
Amost everybody but him, apparently…
He’s only an amateur human being ..
He’s actually a genetic experiment gone horrendously wrong ..
How many copies did his last book sell? About 86 wasn’t it?
Yeah …. Even the Biafran Cook Book sold more copies than that … =-O 😀 😀