Swinger Hotels
Sometimes…. ah …. sometimes… oh just read it yourself. Lunacy. With a hat on.
A Swedish porn king has said he wants to open a string of swinger hotels where guests can stay for free if they allow their bedroom exploits to be filmed and broadcast on the Internet. Adult entertainment mogul Berth Milton wants to finance at least 100 hotels, each equipped with a resident film crew from his Private Media adult entertainment company.
“The important thing is to go all the way – not halfway or a third of the way,” Milton said in an interview with the New York Post. “Imagine how they were laughing at Steve Jobs and Bill Gates when they came up with their own ideas,” he added.
According to Mr Milton, a single hotel could generate as much as $43.8 million a year from subscribers who would sign up to watch the real-life sex shows from home. After conducting his own “field research” at swingers’ clubs in Barcelona, he is also convinced that the entertainment would appeal to a wide audience.
“It has to be a hotel for non-swingers as well – not super-explicit where everybody’s running around naked. That takes the style and class out of it,” he said.
The “style and class”? Meh.
If he seriously thinks someone would pay to watch my antics in the bedroom, he needs professional help….
That’s just fine – we certainly believe you.
But they do say that even if you think of the most outlandish and bizarre fetish ever there is someone devoted to it and he already has a website.
So don’t rule it out.
Maybe Tommy Sheridan will stay there? Frequently.
Oh the irony of this posting on the “All seeing Eye”.
Sometimes it’s a curse >:o
As Mr Smith? Everyone will be booking in anonymously I guess, so we’ll have to rely on the pictures to prove it …..uuurgh…..