Royal Navy Website Hacked

November 8, 2010 at 12:06 pm

On Softpedia we read that:

A hacker claims to have gained full access to the website of the British Royal Navy and the underlying database through an SQL injection attack.

The public disclosure was made by a Romanian self-confessed security enthusiast who uses the online handle of “TinKode.”

TinKode writes that he did this on the 5th and has blogged about it here.

The hacker even decrypted the hashed password for the user called “admin,” posted it in plain text. Suffice to say that it’s ridiculously simple and in no way appropriate for a military website.

EyeNote: the password was “password1“. Twats.

The site is for PR and recruiting purposes only and is probably civvie-maintained, so all this has really achieved is the turning over a public service information site with non-critical data in the name of notoriety. After all, TinKode has a history of going for non-critical low-security sites with a military profile.

But, non-critical regardless, it does make the MoD look even more like a bunch of morons than usual. Someone should get a roasting for this one.