US Mid-Term Elections Live-Blog 2nd Nov
It’s showdown time!
Harry Reid vs Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell vs Chris Coons, Marco Rubio vs Charlie Crist vs some Democrat in Florida, primary upsets and write-in candidates in Alaska…and those are only the headline races.
It’ll be a night of high drama and humiliation on Tuesday and we’re going to bring it to you live here on All Seeing Eye.
We’ll be hosting a live-chat session, which will give everyone a chance to talk about the results and the surrounding media coverage in an unmoderated (mostly) forum.
It’ll start at midnight (UK time), and we’ll be joined by readers from Biased-BBC and also A Tangled Web and a couple of others to be confirmed.
Hope you can join us!
Interesting to see the BBC coverage of mid-terms. The BBC man-on-the-ground pointed out the Obama’s popularity has fallen but helpfully provided an answer for those unable to think for themselves – ‘it’s because of the economy’. Thanks for that BBC, but you omitted to mention that he’s failed to follow through on his CHANGE agenda and has proved to be as venal and mendacious as all of the other politicians.
Obama has been a flop and things look to become even more difficult for him but good old auntie prefer to avoid the truth and start smearing the Tea Party instead.
Let’s hope the fucker gets taken to the cleaners – the results should be complete in time for him to go to Friday prayers at his local mosque.
I will be up all night watching and enjoying the meltdown – bottle of celebratory scotch to hand to toast the highlights.
Let’s hope the Yanks don’t let us all down.