“Rally to Restore Sanity” Revisted
At the so-called Jon Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” on Saturday, it turns out that many of the attendees were…insane.
This video from “Americans for Prosperity” catches some of the lunatic signs and banners. Remember, these people have the vote. And the IQ test for breeding isn’t in place yet.
However there is a silver lining. JustĀ compare the numbers attending that rally with Glenn Beck’s crowd of a few weeks ago …. attended by 500,000 people.
We Americans will indeed start to restore sanity 2 days from now!
ALL SOCIALIST’S OUT OF GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I for one am pleased to have residents of the U.K. such as yourself backing us here in the U.S. as we stand with conservatives on your side of the pond!
We here know of our history and the Tea Party is not meant as an insult to you, but rather a principled reminder of self-government for which our Nation was built.
All Nations have the right to govern as they so choose, but never should a government oppress it’s people! I am not a national narcissist but if we fail here in the U.S. I dare say the world will suffer terribly.
No offence taken about the “Tea Party” thing – in fact Conservative politicians in the UK are moulding their own movements around the idea. It’s the modern message, not the event in 1773 which is seizing the imagination. And around the world too – in Russia, Israel, Holland and Italy.
Dan Hannan MEP and the Freedom Association have started one, and the United Kingdom Independence Party wants the job for itself.
And yes, to paraphrase, when the US sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. So we’re all in it together on Tuesday.