Ssssshhhhh. Now look, this is just between YOU and ME. You see the BBC don’t want you to know as you can see from this but if you click this you will discover that Mohammed is NOW the most popular name for a baby boy in England and Wales. Cor Blimey, me old china, but ain’t life a changing in Blighty? Allahu Akhbar,
Why do I find that sad fact comes as no surprise ???
Captain Fatty
I know, our demographic death spiral and no one talks about it…
The Beeb have been playing this little game, of not adding the Mohamed varients together ,for a couple of years now.
There is another question you can ask.
If we assume that in the natural run of things, boys and girls are roughly 50-50 in livebirths (it’s not quite but grant the logical possibility), and Mohammed and variants is the most popular boy’s name, then where is Aysha (or variants thereof) in the list of girl’s names?
It might be that Muslim parents are not as disposed to giving girls popular Muslim names and prefer Olivia.
Or there might be another reason, but to answer that you’d have to analyse live birth gender by ethnicity/religion and ask whether the result was with the bounds of normal variation.
“within” not “with”.
Good comment Woman OAR (oh look, I’ve given you an oar!) – I was thinking exactly the same thing myself.