One of the best laughs of the day has been watching the crestfallen faces of BBC journalists as the UK experienced several instances of good economic news. First it has to report, through gritted teeth, that the economy has grown faster than “the experts” predicted during the past few months. Then, oh no, Standard and Poor’s UPGRADED the UK’s credit rating. It’s enough to make any good and loyal BBC journalist ill. Mind you, they were still parroting the Labour line that although welcome, the dreaded CUTS will see off any latent recovery.
Happily I don’t watch BBC telly but the radio takes a more independent line, especially Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 who can be quite skeptical of the righteous at times.
I only really catch BBC radio when BFBS Gibraltar cuts over to it and there may be exceptions to every rule….but the general rule is that the BBC are fellow travellers and not to be trusted to provide neutral news.
On the topic David posts about above, Guido has picked up on their headline changing antics and their underlying narrative. Not what is expected of a taxpayer-funded organisation.
Most of the coverage I saw showed the bBBCÂ desperately trying to pin any recovery on Labour’s actions during its final months in power. Once the “evil Tory cuts” kick-in things are bound to get much worse for the economy – or so the beeb would seem to prefer.