I’m sure this is one that The Eye will be intrigued to read about it since it concerns his Spanish neighbours!
Prostitutes working on the street outside a town northern Spain have been ordered to wear reflective vests to make them visible to passing traffic and reduce the risk of accidents. An estimated 300,000 women work as prostitutes in Spain where prostitution is not illegal but profiting from the sale of sex by another is.
I was surprised to read that anybody works in Spain!
Are they or their ‘clients’ allowed to smoke when indoors with the ‘sex-workers’?
I was actually having this very conversation a few hours ago, The Spanish government are passing even more draconian anti-smoking legislation which comes into force on 2nd January. No bars or restaurants at all can allow it (up until now smaller places could choose), and even an amendment allowing some places to allow you to smoke if you sit in a glass box was voted down. Not even *near* buildings, so no more huddling in doorways.
The bars in the two biggest local brothels are very popular because you can smoke inside, so attract plenty of passing not-going-upstairs drinking trade. That’ll all come to an end. Pretty soon the only reason to go to a brothel will be the sex.
But if they combine this requirement with the Swiss training them to use defibrillators it could save countless lives….
As I understand it, it is not the ‘Spanish Government’, it is the EUSSR re-issuing draconionised anti-smoking law throughout its evil empire.
Yes, it’s EU driven, but just for once it’s not the UK who are gold-plating EU wishes.
Yes, but they still won’t give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as that’s ‘against the rules’.
Well blow me….