Clinton On The Ground Zero Mosque
Just when you thought you knew how much of a fool Bill Clinton was, he goes one better.
Former President Bill Clinton strongly supports Park51, the mosque and community center planned near Ground Zero, he said in an interview posted on YouTube Sunday.
Clinton, who has been on the receiving end of massive amounts of money from Muslims, isn’t just up for building the victory mosque. He’s also signed on to the full treating-people-with-contempt thing.
“Much or even most of the controversy … could have been avoided, and perhaps still can be, if the people who want to build the center were to simply say, ‘We are dedicating this center to all the Muslims who were killed on 9/11,'” Clinton said.
You know, like Mohamed Atta.
Hat-tip to Van Helsing
If they say ‘We are dedicating this center to all the Muslims who were killed on 9/11′ ! How the hell would that in any way avoid the controversy ?
That would be like Bill, in the height of the scandal, telling Hillary that he’s dedicating his next conquest to Lewinsky.
I thought old Bill said he never inhaled.
Maybe, like the bloke who wants to stick a gay bar next door, Clinton will start a brothel and cigar shop there?