Camel Droppings

October 6, 2010 at 8:00 pm

Yes really. The eco-extremists just don’t know when enough is enough.

Charles Darwin University has been funded for the year-long study to monitor the impact of the wild camel herd on the carbon cycle.

It is estimated that more than one million camels are roaming the country’s arid regions.

The study will monitor carbon emissions and sequestration, in particular, looking at camel flatulence and the greenhouse gas effect created by decomposing carcasses.

These wild camels are actually wild; the clue being in the name. Therefore this one clearly can’t be pinned on us humans. Mother Nature needs to ‘fess up here…guilty as charged.

But because some people have convinced themselves that naturally occurring gasses are going to kill us all, the results of this study could mean the camels have to be culled because they fart. You’d also have to cull antelope obviously. But then it’d be cruel and against Crocodile Rights to let them starve without prey to eat so they’d all have to be shot too.

TheEye would be quite happy for a similar study into giant pandas though. If they didn’t look cute from a distance they would have bitten the Big One decades ago rather than all being gay in zoos and forcing us to be nice to the Chinese. Horrible creatures.