Stupid People
From the BBC we learn that voters are stupid. No, really. Very stupid. Shouldn’t breed stupid.
Voting referendum question ‘too hard’, says watchdog
The proposed wording for the question in the referendum on changing the UK voting system needs to change, the Electoral Commission says.
So let’s take a look at the proposed question: Do you want the United Kingdom to adopt the ‘alternative vote’ system instead of the current ‘first past the post’ system for electing Members of Parliament to the House of Commons?
Simple? It seems not. Apparently some people – “particularly those with lower levels of education or literacy, found the question hard work and did not understand it“
And what part of that question do dropped-on-their-heads mongs, chavs and window-lickers struggle with?
….they have a limited knowledge of what the ‘first past the post’ system is and almost no understanding of the ‘alternative vote’ system.
*sobs openly and uncontrollably*
Maybe it shouldn’t surprise us that a third of the country would apparently still vote Labour despite thirteen eye-scratching and terrifying years of them ruining every aspect of our lives. The public apparently don’t understand that you put a cross on a bit of paper and the bloke with the most crosses wins a melon.
There should be an IQ test to vote. And reproduce.
“There should be an IQ test to vote. And reproduce.” – I would go further, and require compulsory sterilisation only allowing reversal if they can show adequate parenting skills…..
That should get me some adverse remarks!
That policy would definitely have saved me a few sleepless nights in my university days 😉
“There should be an IQ test to vote. And reproduce”
I have lost count of the amount of times that I have been slapped and or had drinks thrown over me for stating either or both of those points of opinion.
“Some people – “particularly those with lower levels of education or literacy, found the question hard work and did not understand it” – its report says.”
Fucking tough. They’ve got the entire interweb to check and they’ve got people they can ask (surely someone in the pub or the bookies understands what’s going on) if they can just be bothered to ask and are willing to drag what passes for their attention away from The Mong Factor for ten minutes. They’re not being asked to solve quadratic equations here, and if they’re not willing to spend a very small amount of time getting their heads around what are really very simple concepts then fuck ’em. I’d suggest that the only alteration needed is a few warm up questions about favourite ever Big Brother contestant, who was the best runner up on The Mong Factor, who is currently winning Strictly Come Duncing etc. Any voting papers with any of those answers filled in can be chucked straight in the bin.
Plenty of people around here happy to buy you drinks for having those opinions.
If only voting could really work that way.
Or the reverse approach. Answer 10 random questions, quadratic equations included and the last one in Latin. Get 80%+ and your vote counts.
In this case it’s a nailed on certainty that some activist group or other will go to court about this, say that it is affecting some ‘section of the community’s yuman rights and turn the whole thing into a chaotic farce.
If the Electoral Commission thinks that retards might find the question a little hard to understand, how do they think said retards will cope with AV in practise?
The public apparently don’t understand that you put a cross on a bit of paper and the bloke with the most crosses wins a melon.
After seeing the copious spoiled ballots in the constiuency I stood in at the election I would say that even just putting a cross on a bit of paper was a struggle. How they will cope with AV God knows
Have you considered a different chat-up line?
That’s a better idea ASE
Something WoaR like, may I check your buoyancy aids out later?
or as we say round here: Get yer life-jacket on, yer’ve pulled.
Scary but I don’t think they’ve thought that far ahead. Maybe they reckon everybody’s heads would have exploded long before then.
I remember the spoiled ballots for me too, although much longer ago. Some had quite imaginative abuse scribbled on them!
No, it’s not an oar in my pocket…
Occasionally people here have used the Senate ballot paper to write poetry about what a bunch of dickheads the politicians all are. Nice big paper, lots of room for abuse. The beauty of it is that, according to what I’ve heard about Australian electoral law, providing the box(es) are correctly filled in and that neither the poem nor anything else written on the slip can identify the voter then the vote still counts.
I’m going to set up a voters help desk outside the voting statio. I’ll just tell these idiots that if they put a cross in the box next to ‘first past the post’ they will get a free iPod, that should fucking do it.
I’m going to set up a voters help desk outside the voting statio. I’ll just tell these idiots that if they put a cross in the box next to ‘first past the post’ they will get a free iPod, that should fucking do it.
Woohoo! Free iPod! Where do I sign?