Question Time LiveBlog : The Return!
Our old favourite – Question Time is back tonight!
Not just any jewel, but the very Koh-I-Noor of BBC bias returns with a peach of a broadcast: a Labour leadership special where the five candidates will be on the panel facing questions from a hand-picked audience.
You should all have received your new-season Buzzword Bingo cards by now. For the first programme you’ll need the set which has a picture of David Cameron eating a kitten on them. Play is expected to be brisk, as Thatcher, cuts, evil, fairness, and equality will all go quickly. References to private education win you a Diane Abbott shaped Souvenir SoapOnARope from the BBC Executive Washrooms. Bonus roll of the dice for any mention of Harriet Hatemen having 4 votes in the election.
Reverse triangulation is in play, and because of weekday maintenance on the Circle Line, this week Trade Unions are only valid with a common people undercard, and riots are wild unless your strike action joker has lapsed.
See you here on the picket-line, in the company of David Vance, David Mosque and TheEye, from just before 10:35 until just after 11:35 (UK time).
Kin love it!!!!
I’m going to be mojito-blogging it. Can’t face it sober.