Spending Cuts: The BBC Spin
Hadn’t seen this before. The BBC have produced on of those fancy graphic thingies where you get to slide a button along a bar and then it tells you how evil you are.
Of course if you believe any of it you’re thicker than whale omelette, but that’s the way the BBC likes you. Dull, stupid and pliable. It’s so bad that it’s fun though.
Did you know that, according to their Ladybird Book of Being A Chancellor, if you cut 1% from the Personal Social Security budget it automatically means exactly 10,705 lovely old grannies lose their home help? Only the nice ones of course, not the grumpy old curmudgeons who smell of geriatric pee. The BBC are only talking about your nice relatives.
The disclaimer at the bottom is pure magic. This tool is a rough and ready calculator (indeed, Sherlock) and the BBC have not taken into account “subtleties” ….meaning the knock-on evil of people becoming unemployed and needing to sell their kidneys; and feral children going around slaughtering unicorns for meat and pulling the wings off fairies because their school has been closed.
Experience the terror of rescuing our country from the ravages of the monocular snot-gobbler here.
Wow, I saved £185.7bn without feeling bad about the consequences. Either the spin isn’t working or I just don’t care any more.
Cut everything except the Forces? Actually that’s what I did too…
I liked that for every 1% cut in housing, 5785 “affordable” houses weren’t built. What about unaffordable housing, eh? Do we get more?
The deficit denying anti-cut brigade is making itself look stupid with this sort of poor spinning. They need to up their game if they want to win any battles.
Started off by looking for the quango slider. Oh, there isn’t one. Pity, because there’s fifty bill right there. Of course, the BBC Trust is a quango…
I just trimmed welfare and social services 30% and saved “68.37bn”, simple, George should try it.
And deprive the long term idle of their Sky tv? You’re a cruel cruel man.
The “if you can” phrase they use is the giveaway. It’s almost as if they’ll send you a picture of Cameron bbq’ing a baby if you manage it.
As for running better, that fireman chappie said it today – he cut the lazy and bone-idle third of his firemen and is now giving a better service with the fewer but more motivated ones.