Unbelievable A-Level Results As Per Usual

August 19, 2010 at 1:34 pm
At last the Dodo said, ‘everybody has won, and all must have prizes.’

Once again, rather like tractor stats in the Soviet Union, the glorious march towards genetic perfection and the source of all knowledge continues apace. At least according to the numbers.
A hearty well done to everyone who took them and especially well done to those who are heading to the University of their choice. Unfortunately you’re always going to be tarred, on the evidence of the graph above, that “ours” were harder than “yours”.
This year saw the introduction of the hideous and pointless A*s which was awarded to 29.9% of Further Maths candidates. The lowest was in media, film and TV studies at 1.8% but that’s not a real subject anyway, so who cares.
Across the subjects, science has seen an odd resurgence this year with biology entries up 4.3%, chemistry up 3.7% and physics up by 5.2% despite the fact that the ‘Elf’n’Safety Nazis won’t let you do anything interesting any more. In TheEye’s day there were all sorts of exciting experiments with the potential do you a splendid injury. It has been the forced eradication of the interesting bits which has caused the recent catastrophic collapse in entries.
TheEye likes this time of year. The media always seem to pick the attractive students to interview and feature on their front pages – you’d think that nobody resembling the European Acne Mountain had ever sat an exam. The BBC do exactly that here but immediately change to a disappointed bloke who missed his required grades. That will be the BBC’s bias showing this year….students not making it to the place of their choice. Rather hard on them when they’ve spent the last few years being told that the most retarded mong-child is “entitled” to a Uni place on the taxpayers’ dime.

Despite this, it seems that one particular Beeboid doesn’t know the difference between “fare” and “fair”.

Hat-tip to Laban for the BBC screencap