Eat Bugs To Save The Planet
TheEye did once, in the past, order and eat something from Not your most mainstream food (the picture is of Oven Baked Thai Curry Crickets) it’s true. However it was for a substantial bet; not because anyone was forced to do it. That may soon change in the name of savingtheplanet. According to the UN:
The raising of livestock consumes two-thirds of the planet’s farmland, and is a major source of greenhouse gases. Meanwhile, tons of edible, sustainable protein swarms all around us, free for the taking. In a new policy paper being considered by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Belgian entomologist Arnold van Huis makes the sensible recommendation that the western world eat more insects.
Farming edible insects like mealworms and crickets would produce far less greenhouse gas — 10 times less methane and 100 times less nitrous oxide — than the large mammals we currently farm. … They are high in protein and calcium, and, with over 1,000 edible species, offer plenty of delicious variety.
In the absence of any real scientific evidence that eating a steak makes the rain wetter, you can take this save-the-planet nonsense and stuff it where the BBQ Worm Crisps won’t fit (Ready To Eat! Tastes Like Popcorn!). When it comes to unusual food TheEye will consider bbq’d squirrel but not much past that.
Mind if I pass on that one?
Anything here is fair game, especially to you.
I suggest that the good professor’s notions be tested under “field” conditions in Africa & India .. if they work there (where there’s free bugs a-plenty) .. then we might consider it a useful idea .. Meanwhile ……
BTW .. Snake & Lizard taste like shit .. and pints of piss tend to get you slung out of nightclubs … =-O :-$ >:o 😉 😀 😀