The Fear That Wilders Is Right
An excellent FrontPage Symposium discussing the attitudes of people who hate Wilders mainly because if he is correct their whole cosy world would disintegrate.
It’t not often an article comes with a recommended reading all the way through tag but this one certainly scores. A flavour:
“Today we witness the blatant desperation in our culture and media for a “moderate Islam” — an Islam that many non-Muslims vehemently insist exists, but that mysteriously eludes them. This moderate Islam will make everything better, we are told, once the “extremists,” who are the “minority” in Islam, will be sedated. This sedation will be most easily achieved, the argument continues, when the Islamophobes stop blaming Islam after Islamic terrorists point to Islamic scriptures in explaining what inspired them to perpetrate their terrorist attacks.
Meanwhile, in terms of the planet that we happen to be occupying, a “moderate Islam” is nowhere to be found; no school of Islamic jurisprudence exists that counsels Muslims to renounce the Qur’an’s teachings on Islamic supremacism and the obligation of violent jihad. And yet, to suggest the truth of this reality in our culture gets one only the accusation of being a racist and an “Islamophobe.”
Head over here for some good reading.
Perfect Will repost on The Voice of the Resistance
“Racist” or “Islamophobe” are only insults if one permits them to be ..
If one ignores them, or replies to those who hurl them willy-nilly at anyone daring to have or worse, daring to voice a different opinion .. “Yes .. and your point being” ?
They will cease to be effective .. They’re just silly names used by people who are afraid that others have seen through them & can recognise their real agenda ..
Speaking personally, people can call me whatever they like .. I don’t give a hoot & will continue to form & hold my own opinions …
“The modern definition of ‘racist’ is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal” – Peter Brimelow
‘Racist’ and ‘Islamophobe’ are your modern “get out of jail free” cards.