A Classic “This Week”
As usual, we liveblogged Question Time last night, followed by the always dreadful This Week. For those who don’t follow it, Michael Portillo confuses the eyes with his salmon tinted shirts, Diane Abbott stares longingly at the ceiling lusting after a massive pie only just out of reach (©John Ward), and Andrew Neil often appears half cut on his favourite ‘Blue Nun’.
However there was apparently a major falling out behind the scenes a few weeks ago when Abbott objected to being questioned by Neil on the hypocrisy of private school arrangements for her spawn. This week saw the continuation….eye-rolling taken to new levels and Brillo really putting the boot in to the crabby communist.
Watch for Portillo’s reaction. Priceless.
The Youtube found at Guido’s but if you missed it live you missed the moment. Hopefully see you here at the LiveBlog next week…
Good one ASE. Sorry I missed the live chat.
Diane Flabbot always reminds me of a film star ….
Moby Dick .. all that’s missing is the harpoon ….
…and we missed you! At least we got to use fruity language because you weren’t in earshot 🙂
Think how many candles you could make out of her, though? Maybe that’s Chris Huhne’s plan for when the lights start to go out.
Missed this but found it on the Telegraph site where the bitch is ripped to shreds
Has Yasmin Alibhai-Brown been unseated by Diane Abbott as the stupidest woman in Britain?
As questions go, that’s bloody difficult. Neither of them should be unsupervised with crayons.