Dunkirk Little Ships Reunion
To be filed under Things TheEye Wanted To Go To….this Thursday and Friday the Association of Dunkirk Little Ships (ADLS) are returning to Dunkirk to mark the 70th anniversary of Operation Dynamo.
54 ADLS Little Ships are taking part in the event, with HMS Monmouth (Type 23 Duke Class Frigate) and HMS Raider (a P2000 University Royal Naval Unit Vessel) in company to escort them across the Dover Straits. 25 RN Ratings from HMS Collingwood are accompanying the Little Ships for the duration, representing the RN ratings that took the Little Ships across in 1940; and around 35 veterans of Operation Dynamo are expected to be in Dunkirk for the commemorative events.
As veterans and survivors of events such as these leave us, the commemorations become smaller and more sombre each time. Remember the scandal about the attempts to downgrade the last major D-Day commemorations? Hopefully we will we see them gathered again for their 75th and this will not be their swansong year.
Are they quite certain that the Davenick regime won’t regard this as potentially ‘offensive’ to any passing Germans?
In the Telegraph a few weeks back was an article about Thames Boatmen wishing to erect a small memorial to their own contribution a Dunkirk. They had a 10 year fight with the Environment Agency who objected that the proposed wording might be likewise ‘offensive’ because it included “war” and “victory”.
Perhaps they surrendered because they could see that Gordon Brown and his cronies were on the way out and that this sort of attitude would no longer be acceptble.
I’m sure a passing Polish bus driver will take offence…
P.S. sorry to lower the tone by including a link to the Star….
Never mind all these modern trends/attitudes. Three days left to listen on BBC iPlayer to the dramatisation of The Snow Goose by Paul Gallico (Radio 4 last Sunday). Whether BBC is biased or not (and I hold no view), this is the BBC at its best.
I should have added (in case anyone reads this) that it does have relevance to Dunkirk
n/p with The Star but it did send me a pop up to a poker site.
” thought to be Polish” No sign of fearless invstigative journalism then? iIhave Polish, Lithuianian, Latvian and even Ukranian (dunno why the latter?) neighbours who are all hardworking and pleasant people, The Star whipping up a non-story ?