Spare A Thought For…Jacqui Smith
The BBC tell us that “Jacqui Smith adjusts to life after election defeat“
In 2007 she became the country’s first female home secretary and yet just three years later Jacqui Smith is the highest profile casualty of Labour’s election defeat.
Yes, there was a reason for that. £116,000 of taxpayers money stolen through the expenses racket and over £2million grabbed by manipulating the second home rules. Oddly, the BBC can’t find the space on their page to mention either of these figures. Strange, eh? And wasn’t there something else? Can’t remember…
“I’m out of a job and….”
Sorry; it says some more, but I was too busy laughing.
“For Richard to have to literally stay in the house with the curtains drawn for weeks on end. It was hard and I don’t see why they should have to put up with it.”
Ah, that was the forgotten thing! Your husband didn’t have the curtains drawn because the press were outside, Smithy. It was because he hated the sight of you so much he was spanking the monkey at the taxpayers expense.
So, Jacqui, any immediate plans?
When I jokingly asked whether any press would be invited to her farewell constituency party she answered without hesitation. “Only my sister.” (Her sister works for the BBC).
The completely unbiased BBC; the one which gave you this pointless puff-piece interview. And for the future?
The Aston Villa season ticket-holder doesn’t rule out standing as an MP again
We’ll be divebombed by squadrons of Gloucester Old Spots before she’ll be allowed back to Westminster – either by the electorate or the Labour Party; both of who are glad to see the back of this arch-trougher. Far from “didn’t deserve the treatment“, you should be thanking whatever deity you believe in that you’re not in prison right now.
Good riddance to you, your husband, your sister and the whole of your taxpayer-scamming spawn; and shame on the BBC for giving you one last puff on the oxygen of undeserved publicity.
Hat-tip for the image to the unbeatable GrumpyOldTwat.
Hope she dies from Swine fever or galloping trotter blight ..
Great pic!
She’s already infected, that’s for sure.
A GOT special; I must give credit where credit is due. He’s good, that lad.