“Countries like Europe”
If George W Bush had referred to “57 States” in the USA he would have been hauled over the coals, but TheOne is immune from such criticism. For similar errors, one is a moron and the other one is tired from saving the world so frequently.
However TheEye (described marvellously on last night’s LiveBlog as a “paleo-conservative…fantastic!) took great umbrage at this stupid comment from Obama when talking about the excellent law in Arizona that finally makes it illegal to be illegal.
“Europe” is a geographical description, it is not a country. And whilst TheEye has breath to speak it will not become one.
What else can one expect from the leader of a nation with its collective head so far up its own arse that it habitually refers to world cities as “Paris, France” or “London, England” .. as if their American counterparts were the originals ..
A nation of people so inherently stupid that to enable them to follow the complicated & convoluted plots of Western films .. the “goodies” had to wear white hats, whilst the “baddies” wore black ..
I recall some years ago, whilst on a visit to Windsor Castle .. an American couple emerging just as a 747 was descending into nearby Heathrow .. the woman turned to her Black Watch tartan-trousered, camera be-decked husband and said .. “Gee honey, why did they build this place so close to the Airport” .. and that is absolutely true …
I rest my case …
He’s wonderful though… and Bush was a total prat…. so maybe it’s excusable
Obama is sublimely ignorant.
LOL, Obamism #1
That will be the America where the town of Jackson, NY State, has decreed that all business in the town must be conducted in English which might seem to be a Good Thing but is actually just the start of a pointless rearguard action by the Anglo majority (just) as America sinks below a tide of multi culti mongrelism and ceases to lead the English speaking world.
Comrade Obama is openly supportive of the EU Federal state, he has probably been told it is a done deal already.