Boris Lashes Cleggover
Boris Johnson is on superb form in the Telegraph today:
“What crouton of substance did Clegg offer last Thursday, in the opaque minestrone of waffle? He wants to get rid of Trident. Great! So Lib Dem foreign policy means voluntarily resigning from the UN Security Council, abandoning all pretensions to world influence, and sub-contracting our nuclear deterrent to France!
They are a bunch of euro-loving road-hump fetishists who are attempting like some defective vacuum cleaner to suck and blow at the same time; and the worst of it is that if you do vote Lib Dem in the demented belief that there could ever be such a thing as a Lib Dem government, you won’t get Prime Minister Clegg. You’ll get Prime Minister Gordon Brown, for five more holepunch-hurling years, because the Lib Dems almost always vote with Labour.”
Excellent stuff.
What the bloudy hell is Boris on?!?
His piece in the Telegraph today showed to be a ranting fool and a liability to the Tories. They are trying to move away from ya-boo Clegg bashing and this idiot goes sounding off like this.
I thought better of him – he must have been put up to it…
Seems to me that Boris has it right. These tossers need exposing right down to their rotten core.
At last, someone tells it how it really is – good for Boris! 😛 Â
If Cameron was half the Tory that Boris is, he would have been attacking Labour ages ago, just like this, instead of listening to that Lefty twat, Steve Hilton. >:o
What is “yah-boo Clegg bashing” about talking about Cleggs policies and saying that a vote for him will keep Brown in office? All seems like a perfectly realistic line to take.
If by “put up to it” then you mean a Party strategy then why not? There’s nothing wrong with co-ordinating statements and press-releases during an election campaign surely? If anything he’s being used sensibly – as a popular politician (a rarity these days) and arguably the most popular Tory against a rival politician with a new-found popularity.
Seems like good politics, really.
No-one has bothered to examine their policies before. Remember that “blind taste test” experiment last year where focus groups were given a list of policies and they broadly said they liked them? And a similar group were given the same policies but identified as Tory and they were suddenly less popular?
With Clegg it’d be the reverse now. Tell people their policies but don’t associate it with Clegg…they would be panned out of sight.
They’ve got some seriously strange ideas.
Thats what happens when half of your inner circle and a chunk of your highest profile PPCs are ex-SDP.
I’ve got high hopes for Boris. Let’s hope he gets back into the HoC some time soon.
Boris at his lambasting best.
perhaps he’ll lend his backbone to Cameran, to replace the two feet of wet spaghetti that is his.