It Wasn’t The Cows’ Fault

March 23, 2010 at 11:24 pm

How many times have we been told that cow guts are a major contributor to Global Warming, and therefore humans should stop consuming meat and dairy products and subsist on bean sprouts and tree bark… like Paul McCartney? Schools were encouraged to embrace ‘Meatless Mondays‘ to fight this evil. People even went around strapping plastic bags to cows’ backsides.

It turns out to be, predictably, completely untrue.

Lower consumption of meat and dairy products will not have a major impact in combating global warming — despite persistent claims that link such diets to more greenhouse gases. So says a report presented Monday before the American Chemical Society. It is the bovine version of Climategate, complete with faulty science and noisy activists with big agendas.

Is anything which has been associated with Global Warming actually going to turn out to be true?

Hat-tip to Van Helsing