Eco-Easter Eggs
With the eco-fascists, everything is ersatz – pleather instead of leather, Tofurky on Thanksgiving, and now this: artificial “environmentally friendly” Easter eggs at the White House.
A White House announcement Monday said the eggs at this year’s April 5 roll will be made from paperboard that contains no wood fibers from endangered forests, is recyclable and features vegetable-oil based inks and a water-based coating.
Apparently it never occurred to the morons in charge of eco-compliance at the White House that real eggs are biodegradable and contain “no wood fibers from endangered forests.”
Bollox, I’m off for a drive, just to big up my carbon footprint.
I saw that – revolting.
Big gestures are always welcome, but keep an eye out for those little things you can do to Make A Difference.
Take an extra free plastic bag at each checkout. Buy Commonwealth food rather than EU stuff (two birds one stone, more fuel to ship and screws our European enemies) and, of course, smoke massive foot-long Mafioso cigars at every opportunity.