Nick Hogan Appeal
Anna Racoon and Old Holborn are running a campaign to raise enough money to enable bankrupted Nick Hogan to pay his fine so that this ordinary hard working man can be released from prison.
Full details and running totals of donations can be found here. It was running at £5,693 after the first 36 hours.
Please get over there and make a donation, make copies of GrumpyOldTwat’s excellent posters and spread the word.
Good stuff ASE. I don’t know where GOT finds the time but his poster campaigns are going viral. It’s quite a sum we’ve all raised. There are one or two lefty blogs joining in too, I noticed. I do hope this is but the start of something…
Yes, GOT is great behind the scenes. We’ve worked on quite a few things together – some of which have seen the light of day and some of which haven’t. All of them have been fun though!