As Greece melts into economic ruin with State workers on strike in protest at any form of change, the all-knowing EU leaders have met in Brussels and agreed a cunning plan. Thing is, they are not prepared to tell us what it IS!
An attempt by Europe’s richest countries to end the crisis engulfing the euro failed to impress financial markets today as the single currency fell despite promises that the battered Greek economy would not be allowed to implode. As the EU’s main paymaster, Angela Merkel refused to tie Germany down to a bailout of Athens at a one-day European summit, with EU leaders instead making a general pledge to take “determined and co-ordinated action if needed” to prop up the euro. The statement of political intent followed a failure by the 16 nations in the eurozone to agree the precise details of a rescue plan for Greece, leaving the euro to lose most of the gains it had made in the run-up to the Brussels meeting of the 27 EU leaders.
Yet, despite this, I read today that Mandelson (I refuse to use his “title”) claims we would be better off if we joined the Euro…..
We can but hope that the whole thing collapses (and soon).