February 9, 2010 at 7:46 pm

So, who agrees with the author of this article that illegal immigrants to the UK should be allowed to stay?.

The argument proposed has four elements; 1/ They are here to stay so we may as well accept them. 2/It is mostly a London problem and London tends to welcome immigrants anyway. 3. Long term illegal immigrants can make a positive financial contribution and finally, 4/ Long term illegals could make good citizens.

I disagree on every point. For starters, IF we accept law-breakers, why bother having a law? Next, it is NOT just a London problem and even so, I am sick of the way in which our Capital city has become un-British through the tsunami of illegals. 3/ They can also be a long term drain on finances and 4/ They could. But then again, unless they embrace British values, they might not.