Three Cheers For The Freedom Of Information Act
It’s hard to think of many things which the Labour Party have done to brighten our lives, but the Freedom of Information Act was one of the few. The law of unintended consequences inevitably kicked in when the Act was passed and it was used to expose socialist wrongdoing at all levels, but it also produced some gems. This blog is following up on a few at the moment, and very interesting the results have been too.
This letter was emailed to TheEye by our co-conspirator here St Crispin (thanks, St C) and was a FoI success story. It begs the inquiry though…if this letter was the answer, what on earth was the question?
It brightened my day for a few moments, but I have become sceptical about its authenticity.
The Coat of Arms has the St Edward’s Crown, adopted after the accession of the present Queen, not the Tudor Crown used in George VI’s day. The whole pattern of the Coat of Arms is in the modern style, not the design used in the 1940s
I am also not comfortable with the use of “HM Embassy” or “The Foreign Office”.
Moreover, wouldn’t Sir Archibald have written “Dear Reggie” in longhand?
Sorry to be a grouch!