Dan Hannan At The Adam Smith Christmas Bash
As a fully paid up member of the Dan Hannan for PM Society its a pleasure to post his 10 minute spot at the Adam Smith Institute Christmas Party (even if most of us have heard the joke he kicks off with). Enjoy, if you are a fan of his too.
What on earth is he doing in the Conservative party? After listening to Nigel Farage over at Fausties place earlier he really ought to consider changing his allegience. It is patently obvious that Call Me Dave has no intention of trying to get us out of the disastrous Lisbon treaty, so Dan’s wasting his considerable talents by remaining where he is.
That makes for the age-old debate, doesn’t it microdave – have some power and influence within but semi-detatched from a Party that’s going to be in office or be a voice in the wilderness? UKIP will probably have 1 MP after the next election and their handful of MEPs but with DH, the increasingly sceptical Boris and others on the inside – maybe the judgement is to sway things over time. Call Me Dave won’t last forever, and that’s not a comment on DC, merely an observation that no leader is forever.
I was reading an article earlier tonight about how the Tory Taliban are ousting the Tory Libertarians (not my phrases) so it shows that a party can go through major changes. Maybe his phase is coming?