Doctors To Tell Patients They Are Going To Die Anyway
This climate change thing is going from the sublime (worse acne, alligators in the Thames, collapse of gingerbread houses) to the ridiculous.
The Climate and Health Council, a collaboration of worldwide health organisations including the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal Society of Medicine, believes there is a direct link between climate change and better health.
Of course, that isn’t anything new. There have been all sorts of chicken little fairy tales about AGW harming people’s health. Of course, the same could happen if the climate turned much colder, as it did during the Little Ice Age, especially with that Black Death thingy going around at the start of it. I thought all you folks on the Left believed in Darwinism, evolution, survival of the fittest?
Their controversial plan would see GPs and nurses give out advice to their patients on how to lower their carbon footprint.
The Council believes that climate change “threatens to radically undermine the health of all peoples”.
It believes health professionals are ideally placed to promote change because “we have ethical responsibility…as well as the capacity to influence people and our political representatives to take the necessary action”.
This is just plain stupid. Idiotic. Ridiculous. Moronic. Asinine. Keep your global warming off my body!
Other proposals include for all developed nations to pay an extra five dollars a barrel on oil and a tax on airline tickets. This would go into a special fund to develop low-carbon alternatives to existing technologies, they say.
Why does every climate alarmist proposal involve raising the cost of living? Obviously they can’t have heard about the CRU email and document scandal yet.
These people really should be certified insane. But the trouble is, the elite truly think us plebs will believe them. What a thick bunch we are for not understanding them!
If my GP tries this on me I will simply point out that mankind survives quite happily from the Arctic to the Sahara so a few degrees change in local temperature is really neither here nor there.