Act On CO2 – It’s Just An Act
A co-conspirator here, the GrumpyOldTwat, has launched a fightback at his own place against the Global Cooling Deniers with a series of posters, blog headers and so forth. Some sweary and some not, all are great designs to run with on your blogs in the run-up to the BBC love-fest that will be the Hopenhagen Con.
Visit the GOT‘s place and help yourself to them. Remember – as that irritating supermarket advert goes….every little helps!
Thanks for your support on this, my friend. Hopefully these alternative ads will make some people, somewhere, stop and think about the political propaganda that is being forced into the innocent minds of the children. Goverment pawns in the Climate Change Con.
Doing my little bit too already 🙂 , it’s even gone Stateide.
That’s the spirit, banned!