US Navy SEALs On Trial For Upsetting Terrorist
Three Navy SEALs are charged with assault for allegedly fattening the lip of a wanted terrorist. Ahmed Hashim Abed is wanted by the United States for being the “mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004.”
When he found himself in United States custody, he told the investigators he was punched by his captors. His bloody lip served as enough evidence to bring the three sailors up for Admiral’s Mast. They said they preferred a court martial:
Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.
Matthew McCabe, a Special Operations Petty Officer Second Class (SO-2), is facing three charges: dereliction of performance of duty for willfully failing to safeguard a detainee, making a false official statement, and assault.
Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe, SO-2, is facing charges of dereliction of performance of duty and making a false official statement.
Petty Officer Julio Huertas, SO-1, faces those same charges and an additional charge of impediment of an investigation
So rather than being congratulated on bringing in a terrorist subhuman, they are charged with swelling up his lip. Rather than being on a morgue table, he’s lawyering up.
Allahpundit says they’ll get off with a “wrist slap.” Uncle Jimbo at BLACKFIVE sheds some reality on his ignorance:
Let me explain something to you amigo. That wrist slap would be a career-ender in Spec Ops for these men. You understand? We take three guys who accomplish more in a lazy afternoon than you have in your entire anonymous, snarking-from-the-sideline, existence and we put them out of work making dead tangos. And that sounds like what should have happened to this ass clown. If he dies during the take down we have no problems.
I know you have no earthly clue just how god-awful complicated it is to actually perform a raid and scarf up a bad guy, let’s just say it rates up there with trying to conduct a Beethoven Symphony with your orchestra in free fall, screaming towards Earth like a phalanx of freaking lawn darts. That is why we like to send a f**king Hellfire down on them and last time I checked that leaves a little more than a G** damn bloody lip. And yes I am saying I don’t care if he got it once he got to base. What if the guy who clocked his murderous ass knew Scott Helverson, who this bastard helped kill, burn and then defile his corpse? Do you really want to be on record saying he should be made an example of? Do you remember what Kos said about the four men this scumbag killed you dumbass? I’ll remind you “F**k them”. You are sure in illustrious company.
“Uncle Jimbo”…..well said that man.
sadly, just having there names in public is pretty much the ned forthese guys. SOCOM people try to void the limelight fo obvious reasons.
I must admit, that the ST I worked with over 5 years ago were possibly some of the brightest US military I had ever met. Concidered, and sensible in just about everything they did.
They are being tried by the Political Correctness Police. This is a crime against America. In any other generation of Americans, they would be held up as heros. If I was President (who was a leader instead of a ponderer) I would issue a press release stating that if found guilty I will pardon them. Send a message to terrorists and Americans.
Exactly. Their operational usefulness, even if completely exonerated, is compromised. Good luck to them, they obviously aren’t taking this lying down.
Presidents have made their views known in the past on upcoming trials and yes, this should be no exception. Obama should grow a backbone on this one.
Did anyone remember what this slim ball to the contractor who where probaly tourtored and executed, burned to a crisp and hung on a Bridge. Oh and by the way one of the murdered contractor was a seal at one time.
Political correctness is getting in the way of our militarydoing their job to root out these slim balls. GREAT WORK SEALS
Burned, mutilated, hung on a bridge, and filmed for the world to see. That’s what happened to Scott Helvenston, Wesley Batalona, Jerry Zovko and Michael Teague. The story of their deaths and some background on the men is here. Ahmed should have a taste of his own medicine rather than just a swollen lip.
As a Navy vet I am appalled at this travesty of justice to these outstanding Americans.They showed great control just by bring this dirtbag back alive.
It is indeed a sad commentary to the attitudes of our so called leaders in these ‘enlightened’ times. They are condeming us to the status of a third world country which leaves people like those in the ACLU to lead the way.
We need to get back to following the ideals of the silent majority rather than to give into the wishes of the radical minorities.
Why are we still playing by rules when our opponents do not know of such rules. He is lucky that is all that happened to him. This is a war! Do not tie the hands of our fighting forces. That only leads to more American deaths in time of war. Get rid of the Commander-in-Chief!!!!!!!!!!!
If Obama doesn’t grow a backbone and keep this trial from happening in the first place then he should be impeached immediately. These brave guys have put it all on the line for us to feel safe in our homes and this is how we treat them?! Anyone who would do this this to them is no American, No Patriot, and should be removed from service as soon as possible.
Sad commentary on the country we live in. I served, and I have three sons deployed to the middle east. Makes me wonder if the real war isn’t here at home.
go to Norfolk trial to display your disapproval. We should all Go
Your information is only half correct, they are on trial for WRITING A FALSE REPORT, as well as not protecting their charge and one other charge. If you are going to tell the story tell the whole story and not just part of it.
Ummm, I actually list all of the charges – including the ones you mention.
I proudly served in the U.S. Army for 32 years but now, I would not serve for 32 minutes under the half breed we call Mr. President. Every member of the U.S military should at once lay down their arms and let the politically correct pork barrel pigs fight the war with olive brances and sweet words of understanding and compassion. God Bless the U.S. Military and God damn Obama and the U.S. Congress. I have earned the right to make these statements. What have you done for this country?