Man Marries Virtual 2D Girlfriend
From the Say It Ain’t So Department comes news of a man who calls himself SAL9000 marrying his virtual girlfriend from a video game called Love Plus this weekend.
Boing Boing reports that the man fell in love with one of the virtual girls named Nene Anegasaki and decided to marry her and take her on a honeymoon to Guam. Since the girl doesn’t really exist, that meant he took his Nintendo DS to Guam. He took photos of the trip to Guam and livecast the vacation on Japanese video-sharing site Nico Nico Douga.
There was then a public wedding reception in Tokyo livecast on Nico Nico Douga as well. Unlike other dating simulations games, Love Plus apparently requires players to take out the virtual girl on dates, buy her gifts and make their girlfriends happy like they would in real life. The player can increase their abilities by studying, working out and solving problems of their virtual girlfriend, but if they fail to make their girlfriend happy, the game will restart after 100 days.
Happily, this nonsense should prevent him ever reproducing – which is a blessing to us all.
Well, I suppose it will mean he only has to remember “virual” Birthdays & Anniversaries and will only get a “virtual” bollocking should he forget .. Lol
Trickier than that, Captain. If he forgets her birthday she becomes ‘unhappy’ and ‘dies’.
In real life she packs her bags and heads for her mothers for the weekend, but she’s going to come back. Probably.
Good grief – whatever next – still married to his right hand then!? =-O
Maybe the Nintendo DS comes with some sort of mechanical attachmenty-gadget to assist with this sort of “gameplay”? The mind boggles.
Wouldn’t it have been much simpler to have a swift one off the wrist.It would have saved this dickwipe a fortune.