Yes, absolutely furious. The Gipper didn’t bow. And on this occasion as usual when the Emperor meets foreign digintaries he extended his hand to shake. The Japanese are fine doing that with Westerners – it’s only between Japanese that the whole heirachy of hands-by-sides and when to bow from the hips or the neck comes into play. Similarly that Saudi king tried to greet him in a Western style but Obama insisted on bowing.
You’d think that TheOne had people to tell him how to do things like this.
It’s such a deep, grovelling bow, too – the Japanese guy will think of him as a snivelling wanker and piece of shit after that most incompetent gaffe – he just blew any possible mutual respect right out of the water! He should either have read up on Japanese customs and etiquette before he went there or someone should have had the guts to tell him – or, better still, he should have stayed at home! 😉
He’s got a whole Asian tour still to go and the BBC are positively creaming themselves over his every worfd. But you are right, this is the sort of things that an advisor is for – although if anyone had tried it with McDoom he’d have a Nokia wedged in the side of his skull by now.
America is furious about this, plus of course his other bowing incidents.
Yes, absolutely furious. The Gipper didn’t bow. And on this occasion as usual when the Emperor meets foreign digintaries he extended his hand to shake. The Japanese are fine doing that with Westerners – it’s only between Japanese that the whole heirachy of hands-by-sides and when to bow from the hips or the neck comes into play. Similarly that Saudi king tried to greet him in a Western style but Obama insisted on bowing.
You’d think that TheOne had people to tell him how to do things like this.
It’s such a deep, grovelling bow, too – the Japanese guy will think of him as a snivelling wanker and piece of shit after that most incompetent gaffe – he just blew any possible mutual respect right out of the water! He should either have read up on Japanese customs and etiquette before he went there or someone should have had the guts to tell him – or, better still, he should have stayed at home! 😉
He’s got a whole Asian tour still to go and the BBC are positively creaming themselves over his every worfd. But you are right, this is the sort of things that an advisor is for – although if anyone had tried it with McDoom he’d have a Nokia wedged in the side of his skull by now.