Coming Soon To A Cinema Near You
The Taxpayers’ Alliance have produced an advert which will be shown in cinemas across the UK from this Friday (20th). It concentrates on the financial cost and waste of the EU rather than sovereignty issues, which are obviously harder to get across in a 2 minute visual slot. It’s a slick piece of work, the production is quite neat and it is in suitably predictable message nuggets to get the point across. Quite whether a cinema barely a tenth full of spotty youths who have sneaked into an 18 movie in the hope of seeing a glimpse of nipple will be the most productive audience for this message is debatable at best, though. Anyway, a good watchable clip.
It concludes with a plug for “Ten Years On – Britain Without The European Union” written by the usually erudite and well-expressed Dr. Lee Rotherham. Unfortunately the book, available free from the TPA, reads as though cobbled together by Peter Griffin from Family Guy. Set in 2020, the characters are excruciatingly cliched, one-dimensional, and about as realistic as McDoom apologising for bankrupting the country. But don’t let that put you off ordering a copy – 22,000 other people already have.
Have you already read it then?
ConservativeHome have carried a stack of lengthy excerpts. I’ve ordered a copy myself as I’d like to read the whole book but from all that I’ve read the style doesn’t work for me one little bit. A shame as it could have made for a very effective narrative.
If you get a copy and want to do a review (positive, negative or anywhere in between) then email me at the standard address and I’ll happily publish it for debate.