Proof Reading Mistake O’The Day
From the ever odd Romanian Times:
Red-faced Latvian tourist chiefs have scrapped a campaign to promote the capital to English travellers when they realised their slogan had been mistranslated into: “Riga city – easy to go, hard to live.”
The 500,000 GBP campaign showing off the city’s cultural highlights was supposed to turn around Riga’s current image as a destination for wild stag parties.
“It is very embarrassing. It was of course meant to say ‘hard to leave’.
“But apparently nobody checked it properly before the leaflets and posters went to the printers,” said one official.
The website is dead too. All in all a bit of a disaster. If this had been done back in the days of the Soviet occupation then there would be a few civil servants waking up in the salt mines this morning.
Well spotted, probably hoping no-one would notice in the exitement at Germany announcinfg a whole 100 extra troops for Afghanistan.