Spanish Practices
You can be forgiven if El Boletín Oficial del Estado isn’t on your daily reading list. It is, in fact, the official publication of the Government of Spain so don’t bother with the link unless your Spanish is up to it.
Suffice it to day that the Socialist government of Zapatero is up to its usual tricks. On August 13, 2009 (which the not-very-neutral Parliamentary journal notes with congratulatory relish is the 83rd birthday of Fidel Castro) we read that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation has given away 234,000 euros that day to various politically correct leftist groups including 28,810 euros to a group calling itself Gays And Lesbians Of Zimbabwe.
Okay, so this is a small drop in the Spanish national debt of 62,780 million euros but it could have gone towards helping out the 19.3% unemployed in the country. And that’s the official rate. We all know here that real unemployment is running at around 6 million – twice the official figure.
One reason that Spain is in such a hole is their enthusiasm for propping up the ailing regimes of ideological fellow travellers. Yesterday a previously agreed but unused loan of 200 million euros to vital strategic hub and international player Angola
At least in the UK we give our Overseas Aid Budget to powerful rich countries with shiny nuclear missiles and space programs like China and India. We know which side our bread is buttered on – the winning side in the next big war. And that won’t be Angola.
Spain proping up Angola ? We can all understad post/neo colonialism but surely Angola was a Portuguese problem ?