“Murdered By Muslim Terrorists” On A Gravestone?

October 28, 2009 at 8:22 pm

Peter Gadiel’s son James was killed when Muslim murderers crashed a plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. In memory of that horrible day, James’ hometown of Kent, Connecticut wants to erect a plaque remembering James’ death but have hit a snag: James’ father, Peter.

Peter Gadiel wants a specific line added to the plaque to say, “murdered by Muslim terrorists” but Kent’s city officials are playing the can’t-we-all-get-along game.

“We perceive ourselves as a very warm, loving town,” said Ruth Epstein, a Kent selectman and one of two town leaders to vote the plaque down. “To disparage any one ethnic group is just against everything that we stand for here.”

Idiots. I’ll bet if you asked all the three thousand Americans murdered by those Muslim terrorists that dark September 11th day they each would have said that they felt that they all lived in “very warm and loving” towns. What the city officials haven’t realised is that these Muslim murderers don’t care about your “warm and loving” town – they would have no qualms whatsoever about bombing you warmly into oblivion.

Gadiel, for his part, is sad that people are too easily forgetting about what happened.

“It isn’t just overlooked, it’s suppressed,” Gadiel said. “It’s simply wrong to imply that people just died. The buildings didn’t just collapse, they didn’t just fall down – they were attacked by people with a specific identity, a specific purpose.”

Exactly right. The town of Kent should dump its warm and fuzzy rose-coloured glasses and see the world as it truly is. Add the line that father Peter Gadiel wants to the memorial.