Arnie’s Message To Sacramento Lawmakers
Spotted over at the Greek lad’s place, and originally from the San Fransico Bay Guardian we have this gem:
It was hardly a bill of cosmic import, but Assemblymember Tom Ammiano’s AB 1176 would have helped the Port of San Francisco with some financing issues. It’s the kind of bill that legislators offer on behalf of their cities all the time — and generally, they are non-controversial. This one was the same — no substantive opposition, it passed both houses easily — and normally, the governor would sign it with little fanfare.
But no: Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill — and sent Ammiano and the legislators a remarkable veto letter. The letter says nothing about the substance of the bill; in fact, the language is really convoluted and it’s hard to figure out what the gov is really saying. […]
But wait — there’s a real message, an actual missive from the Gov to Tom, embedded in this text. And it’s not hard to find — in fact, it’s hard to believe it could have been a coincidence…
The San FranciscoBay Guardian doesn’t like it and is getting all uppity and self-righteous in a Lefty false-moral-preachy sort of way, but frankly to TheEye the rejection of just about any legislation is welcome – only just less so than actual repeal of laws – and to do it to Sacramento lawmakers (you remember, the lovely chaps who heckled Arnie to “kiss my faggot ass” last month) has got to be very satisfying.
Nice, I must try that next time I am in dispute with the council or my bank.