Look! It’s Flash Gordoom To The Rescue!
Save us, Flash! Just like you saved Financial World from those evil invading armies of profiteers and sub-prime mortgage sellers who were enslaving them! And when you conquered Nose World live on television with the Excavating Finger Of Justice! Now, Flash, to Copenhagen! You only have 50 days……
It’s not often that TheEye will post a video without having the strength to endure it all of the way through. In the name of all that is good in the world, will someone please let us know if Benny Hill style dancing girls appear later on in it? They don’t in the first 14 seconds but beyond that the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.
A time countdown widget may be required, though, to remind us of an upcoming demise conveniently timed to have us all dead before the last date possible to call a General Election. Spooky coincidence or divine intervention….you decide.
Great post! I really like your blog – keep up the great work!!
ps… Link Exchange?
I’ve been past your site a few times in the past and liked it – and this time I spotted Dazed and LSP in your followers too which is the sign of a quality site for me. Happily linked to.