Take a deep breath before clicking on either link from this post, and people with high blood pressure or short tempers need not apply. Move along; nothing to see here.
From The Times:
Climate change sceptics are to be targeted in a hard-hitting government advertising campaign that will be the first to state unequivocally that Man is causing global warming and endangering life on Earth.
The £6 million campaign, which begins tonight in the prime ITV1 slot during Coronation Street, is a direct response to government research showing that more than half the population think that climate change will have no effect on them.
Ministers sanctioned the campaign because of concern that scepticism about climate change was making it harder to introduce carbon-reducing policies such as higher energy bills.
Frankly even reading those words brings into question how this has remained a non-sweary blog for so long. The idea that someone actually believes them is just too ludicrous to contemplate. Gluttons for punishment can watch the advert here. Think of how much of your tax money was spent on this and weep.
Well, TheEye is actually delighted with all of this global warming, and ski resorts are also loving the fact that we are all imminently going to boil to death. It seems it’s good for the global economy.
The 2009-2010 season at the Las Vegas Ski & Snowboard Resort is underway, the earliest the resort has ever been open.
Unseasonably cold nighttime temperatures and aggressive snowmaking efforts have produced snow on Chair Three, Rabbit Peak, the only lift and trail scheduled to open.“There are many skiers and snowboarders who love to jib on our freestyle terrain features, and we expect many families to take advantage of this great opportunity to learn the sport and have fun so early in the season,” said Base Operations Manager Craig Baldwin.
Or how about going to Loveland, Colorado:
Boasting its earliest opening day in 40 years, Loveland officials opened for skiing today. Arapahoe Basin announced it would open Friday.
Loveland is the first ski area in North America to open its season, with $44 lift tickets. Loveland trail crews were able to begin snowmaking operations on Sept. 21.
So carbon dioxide is going to cause the Earth’s temperature to rise and everyone is going to die if we don’t heavily tax the energy industry, which will cause a rise in energy prices, and then take those taxes and transfer them to third world corrupt dictatorships. This massive transfer of wealth is the only thing that can save us.
Or it could be the Sun.
I doubt anyones mind will be changed by this, most people filter out adverts as well as government propaganda without even thinking.
Well pardon me for trying to keep my family warm.I’m sick of all this bullshit,and trying to make us all feel guilty for leaving a light on when we leave the house.Or having a bath.Or cooking with gas.Or even having a fucking coal fire.But then the government give the green light to things like airport expansion and buiding on greenbelt.This whole idea is laterally inversed and just another way of taxing the fuck out of us even more.What’s this fucking green levy I’ve seen on my energy bills? More fucking taxation for bullshit that’s what.
It’s an outrage that this money is taken from us by the scum in power and then uses to find their propaganda campaign against reality.
Couldn’t have put it better, Ansel. It’s blood-boiling when a group of world leaders fly to a conference and tell us that the little red standby light on the front of your TV is killing polar bears by the hundred.
And the tax money isn’t going towards orphaned koala bears – we’re subsidising every two-bit vote-buying shiny relaunched ‘initiative’ Labour can think up on the back of a beermat.
If anything, being spoonfed this sort of patronising insult to your intelligence will harden your hatred of it.
furious in fact i am going for a lie down !
Could not be arsed to watch the Corie ad link but I expect it was on a par with the full colour full page glossy ad in The Sun ( bought as a one off after they ditched Labour ) cute sad little girl weeping ” please stop smoking mummy or your lungs will go black and you will die and leave me all alone…” FFS !
“concern that scepticism about climate change was making it harder to introduce carbon-reducing policies such as higher energy bills.
Ha Hah, the twats have finally noticed.
How did you guess, banned? £6m buys you a cute sad little girl weeping reading a cartoon book with a puppy drowning in it.
You’re better off not watching it….saves putting a chair through your screen in pure hatred.
I found that industrial amounts of alcohol helped, personally.
Let’s see if its any better after the election. I have a horrible idea that the civil service is so riddled with people who think like this in their sleep that getting rid of this groupthink will be harder than rooting out a cancer.