Where Do You Draw The Line?
The hypocrisy of the Democrat Party is breathtaking. Whilst being happy to boo, hiss and cat-call President Bush’s speech to Congress about social security reform they were apparently shocked when, taking Obama’s advice to “call out the lies” about ObamaCare, Rep Joe Wilson turned into an overnight hero (or baby-eating waaaacist depending on your point of view) by doing just that.
Bush as a chimp in this 2004 billboard? Fine. Those T-shirts calling for Bush to be assassinated? Fine. When a black man turned up to an anti-ObamaCare demonstration exercising his 2nd Amendment right to carry a gun, the mainstream media cropped his head to hide his skin colour and called him a racist redneck. All of that, of course, fine.
But whilst the liberal media in America give their Left free rein (completely ignoring the Van Jones story and now frantically trying to downplay the ACORN underage prostitution scandal simply because of Obama’s previous of having been employed by them) the conservative tendency are held to a whole different level of accountability. Hence the Tea Party leaders are trying to distance themselves from some of their activists who have made posters of Obama as a witchdoctor.
So, posters of Bush as Hitler are fine, but portraying someone who is using voodoo economics to destroy his country’s heathcare system can’t be shown as a witchdoctor simply because he is half black? It has always been the case that those on the right have been more restrained in their protests. We write letters but we queue. We don’t throw barricades at police-horses as in the Community Charge disturbances. We don’t drop concrete slabs on passing cars as in the Miners Strike. Rather like in the USSR, socialist rulers ruin the country whilst the majority shrug their shoulders and queue for bread.
So this poster might go too close to the knuckle for many, but when you are standing up against an enemy as large and powerful as the US establishment is it acceptable to scrabble around in the dirt for that extra stone to throw? Views? Sink to their level or try to stay aloof? Your opinions?
It’s unfortunate that the debate on such an important issue is reduced to name-calling and childish pranks, but when socialists won’t listen then sometimes that is the only way to get your message of resistance across. And of course, you also get to laugh at senile old duffer Jimmy Carter doing his best “is it cos I is black?” Ali G impression. Bonus!
So, what do you think?
Don’t sink – but hit them hard.
The Left always shout “racist” when things don’t go their way. Ignore them and carry on – don’t let them shut you up. I’m with DV, hit them hard and kick them where it hurts most!
That poster is, to me anyway, very funny.
The Left have no sense of humour, obviously.
Even with my limited Photoshop skills, my first thought was “Damn, wish I’d done that”
Ditto, I’m with DV too. Curl up and surrendering can’t be an option. What was that quote….”If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever”
That’s a hell of a quote and exactly what they want to do to us.
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:59 PM, JS-Kit.com Comments <