BNP On Question Time
Many readers here will know that TheEye is an assistant moderator for Biased BBC‘s weekly liveblogging foray into Question Time, supporting the unstoppable David Vance.
We are out of hunting season at the moment but will return alongside the programme shortly….with an interesting guest lined up in October. Nick Griffin MEP.
The BBC say that the BNP have demonstrated the right to more airtime because of “electoral support at a national level”. 6.2% at the last EU elections and two MEPs would tend to bear that out. Some Labour MPs and allegedly at least one Cabinet minister are threatening a boycott, although Conservatives and that yellow lot are willing to debate face to face.
It’s unclear whether Labour will be ’empty-chaired’ but it’s highly unlikely. The real question will be whether Griffin willl be introduced by Dimblebore as being seated on the Far Left or the Far Right.
And in further BBC news it is interesting to compare and contrast the ITV and the BBC coverage (in that order, but it’s obvious) of the disturbances in Birmingham yesterday. Which one is the more balanced account? (hat tip: Dazed n Confused)
The E.D.F. are a great subject matter to cover on the subject of BBC bias, as B.N.P. goons have officially Washed Their Hands of them, leaving the BBC in no mans land, and unsure as to what to call them.
On Griffin and Question Time, is there really any point? – The entire audience will be packed with BBC/New Labours, A.F.A. storm troopers, to shout him down at every given opportunity.
I personally, would love to see Griffin questioned on every facet of his policies, but to the BBC, it’s the wrong one eyed numb nut, that they themselves have chosen to follow.
The E.D.F. are a great subject matter to cover on the subject of BBC bias, as B.N.P. goons have officially Washed Their Hands of them, leaving the BBC in no mans land, and unsure as to what to call them.
On Griffin and Question Time, is there really any point? – The entire audience will be packed with BBC/New Labours, A.F.A. storm troopers, to shout him down at every given opportunity.
I personally, would love to see Griffin questioned on every facet of his policies, but to the BBC, it’s the wrong one eyed numb nut, that they themselves have chosen to follow.
The E.D.F. are a great subject matter to cover on the subject of BBC bias, as B.N.P. goons have officially Washed Their Hands of them, leaving the BBC in no mans land, and unsure as to what to call them.
On Griffin and Question Time, is there really any point? – The entire audience will be packed with BBC/New Labours, A.F.A. storm troopers, to shout him down at every given opportunity.
I personally, would love to see Griffin questioned on every facet of his policies, but to the BBC, it’s the wrong one eyed numb nut, that they themselves have chosen to follow.
The E.D.F. are a great subject matter to cover on the subject of BBC bias, as B.N.P. goons have officially Washed Their Hands of them, leaving the BBC in no mans land, and unsure as to what to call them.
On Griffin and Question Time, is there really any point? – The entire audience will be packed with BBC/New Labours, A.F.A. storm troopers, to shout him down at every given opportunity.
I personally, would love to see Griffin questioned on every facet of his policies, but to the BBC, it’s the wrong one eyed numb nut, that they themselves have chosen to follow.
The E.D.F. are a great subject matter to cover on the subject of BBC bias, as B.N.P. goons have officially Washed Their Hands of them, leaving the BBC in no mans land, and unsure as to what to call them.
On Griffin and Question Time, is there really any point? – The entire audience will be packed with BBC/New Labours, A.F.A. storm troopers, to shout him down at every given opportunity.
I personally, would love to see Griffin questioned on every facet of his policies, but to the BBC, it’s the wrong one eyed numb nut, that they themselves have chosen to follow.