Charisma Is No Substitute
Despite the victory of Barack Hussein Obama last November, and the Democrats’ taking control of Congress, America still regards itself as a conservative country.
A survey has found that in all of the fifty states, conservatives outnumber liberals (using of course the US sense of conservative/liberal). It’s very possible that this percentage split – which has increased dramatically – is directly related to disappointment felt by those who signed up for Hopenchange only to open the box and find a socialist inside. Big government has always sat uneasily with many Americans and Obamacare has beguin to unravel spectacularly.
The next round of Congressional and gubernatorial elections may not be the Republican meltdown that the majority of the MSM seem to be expecting and it can only be a matter of time before the next round of Presidental candidates begin flexing their muscles for 2012.
TheEye is a betting creature and will be looking for good outside odds as soon as the markets go up.
I wish so many people in Britain had seen through Blair as quickly as Americans have seen through Obama. The American people also don’t take it lying down the way we do here in Britain.