Obama Botox Brings New Taxes
Now it’s often been said that the G.O.T. is a scary individual, but only now do we find the true extent of his twisted influence over the world.
Under the guise of #SillyWeek he is attempting to soften us up for new taxes. Look at what they are thinking about rolling out in the US now. We learned yesterday from the National Journal which reports on the US Congress:
“Face-lifts, tummy tucks and hair transplants could be hit with a new tax to help finance the trillion-dollar healthcare overhaul plan, according to sources familiar with the Senate talks.“
“According to the IRS, deductions for procedures such as reconstructive surgery due to cancer or laser eye surgery would be allowed. But nose jobs, liposuction, teeth-whitening procedures and Botox injections to smooth wrinkles would be prohibited under Sec. 213 and subject to the new tax.“
So it’s going to be 10% extra in the US to look like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston. The harsh reality is that there is not enough money in the world to look as good as TheEye, though.
Don’t tell McDoom or we’ll get the same thing over here quicker than you can say “Roman Nose”. These things start off as a joke, but before you know it…..
Oops sorry . . appear to have used the wrong pic over at my place.
That’s the “BEFORE” one 😉