A Tale Of Two Sarah’s
The BBC is at it again. Bias isn’t just a skin infection for them…it is a disease which goes right through every nerve and bone.
Compare and contrast their treatment of two Sarah’s.
First up is Sarah Kennedy. the Radio 2 presenter was “spoken to” by executives at the corporation for praising the late Enoch Powell.
During her show on Wednesday, Kennedy described Powell, who was sacked from the shadow cabinet by Ted Heath in 1968 for his “Rivers of Blood” speech about the dangers of mass immigration, as “the best prime minister this country never had”.
A spokesman for the BBC informs me that it has received 25 complaints. “It was inappropriate for Sarah to offer an off-the-cuff political opinion and we have spoken to her and made that clear,” he said.
Gloriously incorrect and therefore she is in trouble.
Can you imagine a presenter in similar trouble for making similar comments about Tony Benn? Ken Livingstone? Neil Kinnock? Dennis Skinner?
Next up is Sarah Brown, new member of something that is apparently called the First Wives Club. Completely non-existent as an entity, the article appears to compare her to Carla Bruni and Michelle Obama.
Now we don’t have a Presidential system in the UK (and long may that continue). We don’t have a First Lady, a First Cat or a First Goldfish. Instead we have a dribbling snot-gobbling unelected nutter.
Check out Gigits for a great post on this here which puts it very well.
Thanks for the link, mate. I’ve had lots and lots of visitors over the weekend from your place and also from Biased BBC. Thanks, guys.
She’s right, Powell’s speech was edited down to suit the bigots who disliked his forthrightness. Read it all, and you can see, it was taken out of context. ( a favourite phrase of modern politicians etc;). Twats.